Martine - Irvine, Ca.
Posted by Maureen Tepedino on

"Hi Maureen, "A card is in the mail"... but I just first wanted to share with you how much friends and neighbours love my new apartment ... complimenting your decoration and artwork. All say it is very warm, homey and yes, of course, eclectic..! Thanks again for all your good work!"
Leslie - Cheviot Hills, Ca.
Posted by Maureen Tepedino on

"My home is so beautiful! Would you believe I just got home from work and it's after 2 am and I opened the door and thought I was in the wrong house - then I heard Mazie bark so I knew I didn't make a mistake. It is absolutely gorgeous! Fabulous!"
Marilyn Mann
Posted by Maureen Tepedino on

"Dear Maureen,Thanks so much for creating the perfect piece "Creation" to complete my dining area! Whenever I look at it, it reminds me of you which makes me happy"
John Mountjoy
Posted by Maureen Tepedino on